Review our criteria for consideration of individual financial assistance
Is the applicant's annual and/or monthly income (minus out-of-pocket medical expenses) at or below the following levels for the past 30 days:
In order to expedite your application, please attach your income for the past 30 days and pathology report stating you have head and neck cancer.
I do hereby authorize all hospitals, financial institutions and insurance groups to release to HNC Living Foundation, or its duly authorized representatives, any information deemed necessary to complete its investigation of my application for financial assistance. In addition, I do hereby authorize all hospitals, financial institutions and insurance groups to release to HNC Living Foundation, or its duly authorized representatives, any information or itemized statements that pertain to the diagnosis and treatment and related expenses. I further authorize HNC Living Foundation and its representatives to provide such information to those institutions as may be reasonably required. All consents given herein shall continue until such time as the undersigned provides notice of termination in writing.
In order for HNC Living Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, to advance supplemental financial support expenses in conjunction with the medical treatment of the patient the undersigned do hereby affirm as follows:
HNC Living Foundation reserves the right to distribute funds at its sole discretion. HNC Living Foundation may pursue restitution for grants if it is determined that the information submitted on the application is false.
When awarding a grant, HNC Living Foundation is not advocating for the specific health care providers or medical equipment suppliers, but only providing the funds to enable you to access the services and equipment. You acknowledge and agree that accepting a grant from HNC Living Foundation is strictly voluntary. Furthermore, you agree that you will be responsible for any choices you make regarding the medical care, equipment or supplies, or for the failure, malfunction, repairs or ongoing maintenance of any equipment obtained as a result of the grant of funds.